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今井剛(Imai Takeshi)


大岩祐基(Oiwa Yuki)



今井剛(いまい たけし)

国立研究開発法人 国立長寿医療研究センター ジェロサイエンス研究センター ケミカルバイオロジー研究部

  • 〒474-8511 愛知県大府市森岡町7-430
  • TEL : 0562-46-2311(内線 5151または5163)
  • E-mail : timai?ncgg.go.jp (?を@に変換してください)


  • Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Chemistry (2012-)
  • Editorial Board Member of Pharmacologia (2014-) 
  • Guest editor of Letters in Applied NanoBioScience (2017)
  • Marquis Who's Who publication (2012-)
  • 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century 2013
  • Leading Health Professionals of the World 2013




  1. 2021年9月9日 国立長寿医療研究センターpress release
    https://www.ncgg.go.jp/research/news/20200909.htmlこのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます https://www.ncgg.go.jp/research/news/documents/HP.pdfこのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます
  2. 2021年9月9日 東京医科大学press release
  3. IOWA大学press release
  4. 2010年11月1日 キノコ抽出液中の強力なインスリン分泌促進活性について


  1. 医療ニュース
  2. NEWS Break
  3. Semantic scholar
  4. Meta News
  5. Stem Cell Technology社 Science News
  6. テック・アイ生命科学
  7. SBS(韓国テレビ放送)
  8. AGEについて(関西テレビ)
  9. 先天性軟骨異栄養症(日本テレビ)20180509 18時35分-18時42分 news every 気になる!障がい者が作る“母の日”フラワーギフト
  10. テレビ愛知 サンデージャーナルJan27若返り対策
  11. テレビ朝日「ザワつく!金曜日」
  12. キノコ抽出液中の強力なインスリン分泌促進活性について(信濃毎日新聞)
  13. 荘内日報 2020年11月10日


 引用指標 by Google Scholar @ Jan24/2023

  1. Total citation 3075
  2. H-index 24
  3. i10-index 36
  4. 902回引用文献: Genes & Dev 1998
  5. 463回引用文献: PNAS 2004
  6. 240回引用文献: PNAS 2001a
  7. 129回引用文献: Genes & Dev 1993
  8. 105回引用文献: PNAS 2001b
  9. 102回引用文献: JBC 2001
  10. 101回引用文献: JBC 1999


  1. Cho J, Miyagawa A, Yamaguchi K, Abe W, Tsugawa Y, Yamamura H, and Imai T*. UDP-glucose, cereblon-dependent proinsulin degrader. Scientific Reports vol 12, Article number: 14568 (2022) IF=4.996.
    https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-18902-5このリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます PMCID: PMC9418190 PMID: 36028536

  2. Cho J, Miyagawa A, Yamaguchi K, Abe W, Tsugawa Y, Yamamura H and Imai T*. UDP-Glucose: A Cereblon-Dependent Glucokinase Protein Degrader. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23(16), 9094; IF=6.208
    https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/23/16/9094このリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます. PMCID: PMC9409010 PMID: 36012359

  3. Cho J, Tsugawa Y, and Imai T*. R1526 residue in arginine/proinsulin binding domain of UGGT1 is involved in proinsulin binding. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 615: 131-135, IF3.575 (2022). PMID: 32423812, PMCID: PMC7863631, NIHMSID: NIHMS1661560, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2022.05.060.

  4. Cho J, Tsugwa Y, Imai Y, Imai T*. Chorionic gonadotropin stimulates maternal hepatocyte proliferation during pregnancy. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 579: 110-115, IF3.575 (2021)., PMID:34597993, PMCID: PMC8568302 DOI:10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.09.039

  5. Cho J, Horikawa Y, Enya M, Takeda J, Imai Y, Imai Y, Handa H, Imai T*. L-Arginine prevents cereblon-mediated ubiquitination of glucokinase and stimulates glucose-6-phosphate production in pancreatic β-cells. Communications Biology volume 3, Article number: 497 (2020), DOI: 10.1038/s42003-020-01226-3.

  6. Cho J, Hiramoto M, Masaike Y, Sakamoto S, Imai Y, ImaiY, Handa H, Imai T*. UGGT1 retains proinsulin in the endoplasmic reticulum in an arginine dependent manner. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 527(3):668-675, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.04.158

  7. Tsugawa Y, Natori M, Handa H, and Imai T*. Estradiol accelerates liver regeneration through estrogen receptor α. Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology Volume12, 331-336, 2019. DOI: 10.2147/CEG.S214196

  8. Tsugawa Y, Handa H, and Imai T*. Arginine induces IGF-1 secretion from the endoplasmic reticulum. Biochem Biophys Res Commun Volume 514 (4), 1128-1132 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.05.044

  9. Ando H, Sato T, Ito T, Yamamoto J, Sakamoto S, Nitta N, Asatsuma T, Shimizu N, Mizushima R, Aoki I, Imai T, Yamaguchi Y, Berk AJ, Handa H. Cereblon control of zebrafish brain size by regulation of neural stem cell proliferation. iScience 15, 95-108, 2019. PMID: 31055217. DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2019.04.007

  10. Tsugawa Y, Hiramoto M, Imai T*. Estrogen induces Estrogen Receptor α expression and hepatocyte proliferation in the late pregnancy. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 511 (3), 592-596, 2019.

  11. Umeda M, Hiramoto M, Watanabe A, Tsunoda N, Imai T*. Arginine-induced insulin secretion in endoplasmic reticulum. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 466(4):717-722, 2015.

  12. Umeda M, Hiramoto M & Imai T*. Partial hepatectomy induces delayed hepatocyte proliferation and normal liver regeneration in ovariectomized mice. Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology 2015 (8):175-182, 2015, PMCID: PMC4494181.

  13. Uebi T, Umeda M & Imai T*. Estrogen induces Estrogen Receptor alpha expression and hepatocyte proliferation in the livers of the male mice. Genes to Cells 20(3):217-223, 2015. DOI: 10.1111/gtc.12214

  14. Umeda M, Uebi T, Maekawa N, Handa H & Imai T*. PGJIFs, new mitochondrial PGJ2 target proteins, regulate cell proliferation. J Biosciences & Medicines 1 (3):11-15, 2013. DOI: 10.4236/jbm.2013.13003

  15. Umeda M, Uebi T, Maekawa N, Isaki M, Miyama Y, Masaike Y, Handa H & Imai T*. Effective Cofactor Complex Purification using Nanobeads. J Biosciences & Medicines 1 (3):5-10, 2013. DOI: 10.4236/jbm.2013.13002

  16. Uebi T, Umeda M, Maekawa N, Karasawa S, Handa H & Imai T*. Prohibitins, novel vitamin K2 target factors in osteoblast. J Biosciences & Medicines, 1 (3):1-4, 2013. DOI: 10.4236/jbm.2013.13001

  17. Enomoto T, Kawano M, Fukuda H, Sawada W, Inoue T, Haw K, Kita Y, Sakamoto S, Yamaguchi Y, Imai T, Hatakeyama M, Saito S, Sandhu A, Matsui M, Aoki I, Handa H. Viral Protein-Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles for in vivo Tumor-Targeting MR Imaging. J Biotechnol 167 (1):8-15, 2013. DOI:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2013.06.005

  18. Imai T*. Adipogenesis and osteoblastgenesis in aging. Adipocyte: signaling pathways, molecular regulation and impact on human disease. pp95-108. Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York.

  19. Tange S, Zhou Y, Nagakui-Noguchi Y, Imai T & Nakanishi A. Initiation of human astrovirus type 1 infection was blocked by inhibitors of phosphoinositide 3-kinase. Virol J 10:153-166, 2013

  20. Hotta K, Nashimoto A, Yasumura E, Suzuki M, Azuma M, Shima D, Nabeshima R, Hiramoto M, Okada A, Sakata-Sogawa K, Tokunaga M, Ito T, Sakamoto S, Kabe Y, Aizawa S, Imai T, Yamaguchi Y, Watanabe H & Handa H. Vesnarinone suppresses TNFa mRNA expression by inhibiting valosin-containing proteins. Mol Pharm 83(5):930-938, 2013. PMID: 23393163 DOI: 10.1124/mol.112.081935

  21. Karasawa S, Azuma M, Kasama T, Sakamoto S, Kabe Y, Imai T, Yamaguchi Y, Miyazawa K & Handa H. Vitamin K2 covalently binds to Bak and induces Bak-mediated apoptosis. Mol Pharm 83 (3):613-620, 2013. PMID: 23229512 DOI: 10.1124/mol.112.082602

  22. Tange S, Imai T, Nakanishi A. An SV40 mutant defective in VP4 expression exhibits a temperature-sensitive growth defect. Virus Res 157 (1):116-120, 2011.DOI: 10.1016/j.virusres.2011.02.001

  23. Maekawa N, Hiramoto M, Sakamoto S, Ikeda M, Naitou M, Acharya HP, Kobayashi Y, Suematsu M, Handa H & Imai T*. High performance affinity chromatography method for identification of 15-deoxy-Δ12,14-prostaglandin J2 interacting factors using magnetic nanobeads. Biomed Chromatogr 25 (4):466-471, 2011. DOI: 10.1002/bmc.1469

  24. 今井剛、西永正典、中村知子、奥宮清人,松林公蔵、土居義典、松下健二. 高齢者住民における保有歯数と認知機能Association with the lipid and sugar metabolism parameters, the number of teeth and cognitive function in elderly population. 愛知学院大学歯学会誌 第48巻59-66ページ2010年

  25. Hiramoto M, Maekawa N, Masaike Y, Kuge T, Ayabe F, Watanabe A, Masaike Y, Hatakeyama M, Handa H & Imai T*. High-performance affinity chromatography method for identification of L-arginine interacting factors using magnetic nanobeads. Biomed Chromatogr 24 (6):606-612, 2010. PMID 19810004

  26. 今井剛、西永正典、松下健二. 高齢者の残存歯数と認知機能との関連性. 鹿児島大学医学雑誌 第61巻47-51ページ2010年

  27. Chapellier B, Maekawa N, Hiramoto M, Imai T & Nakanishi A. Cell-type restricted gene delivery using polyomaviral vectors. J Gene Med 11:1156, 2009.

  28. Nakanishi A, Chapellier B, Maekawa N, Hiramoto M, Kuge T, Takahashi RU, Handa H & Imai T. SV40 vectors carrying minimal sequence of the viral origin with exchangeable capsid. Virology 379:110-117, 2008. PMID 18667220

  29. Takahashi RU, Kanesashi SN, Inoue T, Enomoto T, Kawano MA, Tsukamoto H, Takeshita F, Imai T, Ochiya T, Kataoka K, Yamaguchi Y & Handa H. Presentation of functional foreign peptides on the surface of SV40 virus-like particles. J Biotechnol 135:385-392, 2008. PMID 18588926

  30. Inoue T, Kawano MA, Takahashi RU, Tsukamoto H, Enomoto T, Imai T, Kataoka K & Handa H. Engineering of SV40-based nano-capsules for delivery of heterologous protein as fusions with the minor capsid proteins VP2/3. J Biotechnol 134:181-192, 2008. PMID 18243389

  31. Tsukamoto H, Kawano M, Inoue T, Enomoto T, Takahashi R, Yokoyama N, Yamamoto N, Imai T, Kataoka K, Yamaguchi Y & Handa H. Evidence that SV40 VP1-DNA interactions contribute to the assembly of 40-nm spherical viral particles. Genes to Cell 12:1267-1279, 2007. (IF 3.299) PMID 17986010

  32. Yokoyama N, Kawano MA, Tsukamoto H, Enomoto T, Inoue T, Takahashi R, Nakanishi A, Imai T, Wada T & Handa H. Mutational analysis of the carboxyl-terminal region of the SV40 major capsid protein VP1. J Biochem 141:279-286, 2007. PMID 17283011

  33. 今井剛. 健康寿命の延伸. 慶應医学、84、149−155、2007

  34. Kawano MA, Inoue T, Tsukamoto H, Takaya T, Enomoto T, Takahashi R, Yokoyama N, Yamamoto N, Nakanishi A, Imai T, Wada T, Kataoka K & Handa H. The VP2/VP3 minor capsid protein of SV40 promotes the in vitro assembly of the major capsid protein VP1 into particles. J Biol Chem 281:10164-10173, 2006. PMID 16478732

  35. 今井剛. 老化制御. 医療、60、29—32、2006
