ホーム > 研究所 > センター紹介 > 老年学・社会科学研究センター > 部門紹介 > 科学的介護推進チーム
チームリーダー | 大浦智子(オオウラ トモコ) |
研究員 | 岡猛(オカ タケル) |
客員研究員 | |
外来研究員 | 西村真由美(ニシムラ マユミ) |
研究補助員 |
菅野奈美子(スガノ ナミコ) 小渕恵(コブチ メグミ) 岡美佳(オカ ミカ) |
Sasaki k, Takahashi Y, Toyama M, Ueshima H, Ohura T, Satoe Okabayashi, et al. Implementation status of postoperative rehabilitation for older patients with hip fracture in Kyoto City, Japan: A population-based study using medical and long-term care insurance claims data. PloS one. 2024; 19(9) e0307889.
Kishita R, Miyaguchi H, Ohura T, Arihisa K, Matsushita W, Ishizuki C. Fall risk prediction ability in rehabilitation professionals: structural equation modeling using time pressure test data for Kiken-Yochi Training. PeerJ. 2024; 12: e16724.
Nagaki K, Mishima T, Ohura T, Kurihara K, Fujioka S, Tsuboi Y. Association between physical activity and health literacy in patients with Parkinson's disease: an online web survey. 2023; 23(1):403.
Matsushita W, Arihisa K, Miyaguchi H, Ohura T, Kishita R, Ishizuki C. Impact of COVID-19 on Clinical Education for Occupational Therapy Students: A 3-Year Longitudinal Study on Fall Risk Prediction Ability. Occupational therapy in health care. 2023; 13: 1-13.
Uchida T, Takahashi Y, Yamashita H, Nakaoku Y, Ohura T, Okura T, Masuzawa Y, Hosaka M, Kobayashi H, Sengoku T, Nakayama T. Evaluation of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Rare Diseases in Japan. JMA J. 2022; 5(4): 460-470.
Ohura T, TsuyamaT, Furusawa M, Iitsuka T. Factorial validity and internal consistency of a practitioners’ checklist for therapists in rehabilitation. JBI Evid Implement. 2021; 19(4): 387-393.
Fujita H, Tsukada A, Ohura T. Surveying Therapists on Seating Approaches for Patients with Muscular Dystrophy in Japan. Healthcare. 2021; 9: 631.
Shimamoto T, Nishiyama C, Ohura T, Kawamura T, Iwami T. Psychological Conflicts in Bystander Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. IJFAE. 2020; 3(2): 10-21.
Ohura T, Ishizaki T, Higashi T, Nakayama T. Occupation-based differences in shared perceptions of older resident needs within multidisciplinary care teams: A cross-sectional study of care workers, nurses, and therapists linked to older residents. J Phys Ther Sci. 2018; 30: 866-873.
Ohura T, Hase K, Nakajima Y, Nakayama T. Validity and reliability of a performance evaluation tool based on the modified Barthel Index for stroke patients. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2017; 17: 131.
Kimura D, Takeda T, Ohura T, Imai A. Evaluation of facilitative factors for preventing cognitive decline: A 3-year cohort study of community intervention. PSYCHOGERIATRICS 17(1): 9-16 2017.
Iitsuka T, Ohura T, Fujita T. Correlation of the Hand 20 with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health and comparison of the results with those of the Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand. Asian J Occup Ther. 2016; 11(1): 27-33.
Ohura T, Higashi T, Ishizaki T, Nakayama T. Gaps between the subjective needs of older facility residents and how care workers understand them: A pairwise cross-sectional study Health Services Research. BMC Res Notes. 2016; 9(1): 52.
Ohura T, Tsuyama T, Nakayama T. Differences in understanding and subjective effects of home-visit rehabilitation between user families and rehabilitation providers. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 2015; 27(12): 3837-3841.
Ohura T, Tsuyama T, Nakayama T. Differences between home-visit rehabilitation users and providers in their understanding of the content and subjective effects of rehabilitation practices. J Phys Ther Sci. 2015; 27: 1705-1708.
Ohura T, Ishizaki T, Higashi T, Nakayama T. Testing validity and reliability of a newly developed instrument to assess the subjective needs of institutionalized elderly. Clin Gerontol. 2015; 38(1): 88-102.
Ohura T, Higashi T, Ishizaki T, Nakayama T. Assessment of the validity and internal consistency of a performance evaluation tool based on the modified Barthel Index Japanese version for elderly people living at home. J Phys Ther Sci. 2014; 26(12): 1971-1974.
Ohura T, Takada A, Nakayama T. Care goal setting and associated factors: semi-structured interviews with multidisciplinary care providers in facilities for elderly people. Int J Gerontol. 2014; 8(1): 12-17.
Takahashi Y, Ohura T, Ishizaki T, Okamoto S, Miki K, Naito M, Akamatsu R, Sugimori H, Yoshiike N, Miyaki K, Shimbo T, Nakayama T. Internet use for health-related information via personal computers and cell phones in Japan: a cross-sectional population-based survey. J Med Internet Res. 2011; 13(4):e110.
Ohura T, Ishizaki T, Higashi T, Konishi K, Ishiguro R, Nakanishi K, Shah S, Nakayama T. Reliability and validity tests of an evaluation tool based on the modified Barthel Index. Int J Ther Rehabil.. 2011; 18(8): 422-428.
Ohura T, Nishiyama C, Nakayama T. More appropriate, practical outcome measures in clinical trials for rehabilitation: A survey of medical literature from 1996-2005. Asian J Occup Ther. 2009; 7: 13-22.
大浦 智子, 古澤 麻衣, 津山 努.訪問リハビリテーション従事期間と実践状況との関連. 訪問リハビリテーション研究. 2024; 2: 6-11.
今井あい子, 石川稜馬, 飯塚照史, 大浦智子. 高次脳機能障害者への実車評価の実施状況と受け入れに関する意向−指定自動車教習所の代表者と指導員への質問紙調査−. 作業療法ジャーナル. 2023; 57(6): 642-649.
大浦智子. 臨床におけるSDM: 地域ケアとリハビリテーション. 実践シェアードデシジョンメイキング 改題改訂第2版, pp.242-243, 日本医事新報社, 2024.
鷲尾昌一,石崎達郎,植木章三,藤原佳典,大浦智子,安西将也,甲斐一郎,奥村二郎,大坪徹也,矢庭さゆり,島本太香子,渡辺修一郎. 高齢者の市中肺炎(院外肺炎)の危険因子とインフルエンザワクチン・肺炎球菌ワクチン接種:公衆衛生モニタリング・レポート委員会報告. 日本公衆衛生雑誌. 2023; 70(6): 351-358.
大浦智子. 「介護領域におけるリスク~リスク管理とリスクコミュニケーション」. 高齢者介護施設のインシデントとアクシデント. 作業療法と生活リスクコミュニケーション学会第1回 学術大会(大阪), 2024年3月.
大浦智子. 「作業療法と Well-Being―地域共生社会の実現に向けて―」. Well-beingの実現に向けた地域リハビリテーション. 第60回日本リハビリテーション医学会学術集会(福岡), 2023年6月.
Katsuhiko Arihisa, Fumio Araragi, Ryohei Honda, Ryohei Kishita, Ayu Hayashi, Tomoko Ohura, Chinami Ishizuki, Hideki Miyaguchi. A study of the content validity of the re-evaluated version of the Risk Prediction Ability Assessment. 8th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress (Sapporo), 2024.
Ryohei Kishita, Tomoko Ohura, Katsuhiko Arihisa, Chinami Ishizuki, Hideki Miyaguchi. Construct Validity of Time Pressure-Kiken Yochi Training for Measuring Fall-Related Risk Prediction Ability of Rehabilitation Students. 8th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress (Sapporo), 2024.
Tomoko Ohura, Ryohei Kishita, Katsuhiko Arihisa, Wataru Matsushita, Hideki Miyaguchi. Fall incidents and accidents among older adults in a Japanese health services facility: An analysis of timing, locations, and implications for rehabilitation staff. 8th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress (Sapporo), 2024.
藤澤岬, 髙士直己, 大浦智子, 土井剛彦, 大西丈二, 大寺祥佑, 島田裕之, 荒井秀典. 匿名 LIFE 情報における欠測値出現傾向の分析. 第44回医療情報学連合大会(福岡), 2024.
大浦智子. 介護業務従事者のキャリアパスに関する意向. 第84回日本公衆衛生学会(北海道), 2024.
髙士直己, 大浦智子, 大西丈二, 大寺祥佑, 荒井秀典. 匿名LIFE情報における欠損値の評価. 第84回日本公衆衛生学会(北海道), 2024.
大浦 智子, 木下 亮平, 有久 勝彦, 宮口 英樹. 特別養護老人ホームにおけるインシデント発生の時間・場所・要因. 第57回日本作業療法学会(沖縄), 2023.
長城 晃一, 三嶋 崇靖, 大浦 智子, 藤岡 伸助, 坪井 義夫. パーキンソン病患者における身体活動ガイドライン遵守とヘルスリテラシーの関連 オンラインweb調査. 第57回日本作業療法学会(沖縄), 2023.
木下 亮平, 大浦 智子, 有久 勝彦, 石附 智奈美, 宮口 英樹. 転倒リスク予測能力の潜在的因子の抽出 Time Pressure-Kiken Yochi Training(TP-KYT)による検討. 第57回日本作業療法学会(沖縄), 2023.
Yuta Sakamoto, Takeru Oka, Takashi Amari, Satoshi Shimo. Erratum: Factors affecting psychological stress in healthcare workers with and without chronic pain: A cross-sectional study using multiple regression analysis (Medicina, (2019) 56, 10.3390/medicina55100652) Medicina (Lithuania) 56(1)
Yuta Sakamoto, Takeru Oka, Takashi Amari, Satoshi Shimo. Factors Affecting Psychological Stress in Healthcare Workers with and without Chronic Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study Using Multiple Regression Analysis Medicina 55(10) 652-652
岡 猛, 横道 洋司, 山縣 然太朗. 配偶者のいない高齢男性が活発に社会活動をすると健康寿命が延びる:Y-HALE研究. 第34回日本疫学会学術総会衆衛生学会(滋賀),2024