- Harada K, Masumoto K, Okada S. Physical activity components that determine daily life satisfaction among older adults: an intensive longitudinal diary study Int J Behav Med, in press.
- Harada K, Masumoto K, Okada S. Walking trail access, exercise behavior, and going out-of-home among older adults: Examining longitudinal associations and mediators Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 126: 105534, 2024.
- Harada K, Masumoto K, Okada S. Between- and within-couple concordance for health behaviors among Japanese older married couples: examining the moderating role of working time. Int J Behav Med, 31(2): 215-228, 2024.
- Harada K, Masumoto K, Okada S. Leisure-time management and subjective well-being among older adults: a three-wave longitudinal survey Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 117: 105263, 2024.
- Harada K, Izawa S, Nakamura-Taira N, Yoshikawa T, Akamatsu R, Ikeda H, Kubo T. Cross-sectional associations of weekly time, social context, and motivation of exercise with mental health among workers Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 97(1): 23-33, 2024.
- Harada K, Masumoto K, Okada S. Does future time perspective moderate associations of instrumental and affective attitude with exercise behavior? A three-wave longitudinal survey among Japanese older adults. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 78(11): 1843-1853, 2023.
- Harada K, Masumoto K, Okada S. Social network and health behaviors among Japanese older adults: A three-wave longitudinal study. Health Promot Int, 38(2): daad013, 2023.
- 原田和弘, 井澤修平, 中村菜々子, 吉川徹, 赤松利恵, 池田大樹, 久保智英. 労働者における他の人と行う運動とストレス反応およびメンタルヘルス不調との関連. 体力科学, 71(5): 417-429, 2022.
- Harada K, Masumoto K, Kikumasa Y, Okada S. Hilly environment and frequency of going out-of-home among older adults: examining moderating effect of driving status. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 22(11):961-967, 2022.
- Harada K. Effectiveness, moderators, and mediators of self-regulation intervention on older adults’ exercise behavior: a randomized, controlled crossover trial. Int J Behav Med, 29(5):659-675, 2022.
- 原田和弘, 田島敬之, 小熊祐子, 澤田亨. アクティブガイドの認知,身体活動およびヘルスリテラシー―横断デザインによる全国インターネット調査データより―. 日本健康教育学会誌, 30(2):103-114, 2022
- Harada K, Masumoto K, Katagiri K, Fukuzawa A, Touyama M, Sonoda D, Chogahara M, Kondo N, Okada S. Three-year effects of neighborhood social network intervention on mental and physical health of older adults. Aging Mental Health, 25(12):2235-2245, 2021.
- Harada K, Masumoto K, Okada S. Distance to supermarkets and dietary variety among Japanese older adults: examining the moderating role of grocery delivery services. Public Health Nutr, 24(8):2077-2084, 2021.
- Harada K, Masumoto K, Fukuzawa A, Touyama M, Sato K, Kondo N, Okada S. Social interaction in walking groups and affective responses among Japanese older adults. J Aging Phys Act, 28(2):287-293, 2020.
- Harada K, Masumoto K, Kondo N. Different associations of routine work time with exercise behavior and objectively measured physical activity among middle-aged and older adults: a daily and longitudinal analysis. J Behav Med, 43(1):44-56, 2020.
- Harada K, Masumoto K, Kondo N. Exercising alone or exercising with others and mental health among middle-aged and older adults: longitudinal analysis of cross-lagged and simultaneous effects. J Phys Act Health, 16(7):556-564, 2019.
- Harada K, Lee S, Lee S, Bae S, Harada K, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Psychological and environmental correlates of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and step counts among older adults with cognitive decline. Percept Mot Skills, 126(4):639-655, 2019.
- 原田和弘,岡田修一. 小売業勤労者における就業中の転倒に関連する要因:横断研究. 日本転倒予防学会誌, 6(1): 25-34, 2019.
- Harada K, Masumoto K, Kondo N. Daily and longitudinal associations of out-of-home time with objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behavior among middle-aged and older adults. J Behav Med, 42(2):315-329, 2019.
- 原田和弘,村上晴香,宮地元彦,近藤徳彦. 運動に関する感情経験、態度、および行動意図尺度の作成と運動行動との関連性の検討. 体力科学, 68(2): 105-116, 2019.
- Harada K, Lee S, Lee S, Bae S, Harada K, Shimada H. Environmental predictors of objectively measured out-of-home time among older adults with cognitive decline. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 82: 259-265, 2019.
- Harada K, Masumoto K, Kondo N. Spousal concordance for objectively measured sedentary behavior and physical activity among middle-aged and older couples. Res Q Exerc Sport, 89(4):440-449, 2018.
- Harada K, Lee S, Lee S, Bae S, Harada K, Shimada H. Changes in objectively measured outdoor time and physical, psychological, and cognitive function among older adults with cognitive impairments. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 78: 190-195, 2018.
- 原田和弘,増本康平,片桐恵子,福沢愛,長ヶ原誠,近藤徳彦,岡田修一. 高齢者における近隣の坂道に対する認識と活動的な移動習慣との関連:斜面市街地を対象とした研究. 運動疫学研究, 20(1): 16-25, 2018.
- Harada K, Lee S, Lee S, Bae S, Anan Y, Harada K, Shimada H. Distance from public transportation and physical activity in Japanese older adults: The moderating role of driving status. Health Psychol, 37(4): 355-363, 2018.
- Harada K, Masumoto K, Katagiri K, Fukuzawa A, Chogahara M, Kondo N, Okada S. Frequency of going outdoors and health-related quality of life among older adults: Examining the moderating role of living alone and employment status. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 18(4): 640-647, 2018.
- Harada K, Masumoto K, Katagiri K, Fukuzawa A, Chogahara M, Kondo N, Okada S. Community intervention to increase neighborhood social network among Japanese older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 18(3): 462-469, 2018.
- Harada K, Lee S, Shimada H, Lee S, Bae S, Anan Y, Harada K, Suzuki T. Distance to screening site and older adults' participation in cognitive impairment screening. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 18(1): 146-153, 2018.
- Harada K, Lee S, Lee S, Bae S, Anan Y, Harada K, Shimada H. Expectation for physical activity to minimize dementia risk and physical activity level among older adults. J Aging Phys Act, 25(1): 140-148, 2018.
- 原田和弘,増本康平,近藤徳彦. 外向性が運動ソーシャルサポートと運動行動との関連に及ぼす影響. 日本健康教育学会誌, 25(4): 258-268, 2017.
- Harada K, Lee S, Lee S, Bae S, Harada K, Suzuki T, Shimada H. Objectively-measured outdoor time and physical and psychological function among older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 17(10): 1455-1462, 2017.
- Harada K, Lee S, Shimada H, Lee S, Bae S, Anan Y, Harada K, Suzuki T. Psychological predictors of participation in screening for cognitive impairment among community-dwelling older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 17(8): 1197-1204, 2017.
- 原田和弘,李相侖,李成喆,裵成琉,原田健次,島田裕之. 認知機能が低下した高齢者に対する身体活動支援. J Health Psychol Res, 29(Suppl): 161-168, 2017.
- Harada K, Park H, Lee S, Yoshida D, Anan Y, Shimada H, Suzuki T. Joint association of neighborhood environment and fear of falling on physical activity among frail older adults. J Aging Phys Act, 25(1): 140-148, 2017.
- Harada K, Shibata A, Lee E, Oka K, Nakamura Y. Sources of strength-training information and strength-training behavior among Japanese older adults. Health Promot Int, 31(1): 5-12, 2016.
- Harada K, Lee S, Park H, Shimada H, Makizako H, Doi T, Yoshida D, Tsutsumimoto K, Anan Y, Uemura K, Suzuki T. Going outdoors and cognitive function among community-dwelling older adults: Moderating role of physical function. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 16(1): 65-73, 2016.
- Harada K, Nakamura Y. Promotion of physical activity guidelines and behavior change. J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 4(1): 9-15, 2015.
- Harada K, Shibata A, Oka K, Nakamura Y. Association of muscle-strengthening activity with knee and low back pain, falls, and health-related quality of life among Japanese older adults: a cross-sectional survey. J Aging Phys Act, 23(1): 1-8, 2015.
- Harada K, Shibata A, Ishii K, Liao Y, Oka K. Perceived and objectively measured access to strength-training facilities and strength-training behavior. Ann Behav Med, 48(1): 120-124, 2014.
- Harada K, Shibata A, Lee E, Oka K, Nakamura Y. Associations between perceived health benefits and barriers to strength training, and stages of change for strength-training behavior among older Japanese adults. J Phys Act Health, 11(4): 801-809, 2014.
- 原田和弘. 身体活動の促進に関する心理学研究の動向:行動変容のメカニズム、動機づけによる差異、環境要因の役割. 運動疫学研究, 15: 8-16, 2013.
- 原田和弘, 平井啓, 荒井弘和, 所昭宏. 化学療法を施行中の進行肺がん患者における身体活動に対する自律性とセルフ・エフィカシー. 行動医学研究, 18: 17-24, 2013.
- Harada K, Hirai K, Arai H, Ishikawa Y, Fukuyoshi J, Hamashima C, Saito H, Shibuya D. Worry and intention among Japanese women: Implications for an audience segmentation strategy to promote mammography adoption. Health Communication, 28: 709-717, 2013.
- 原田和弘, 宮下政司. サルコペニアに対する低強度運動の有効性. 健康支援, 15: 1-5, 2013.
- 原田和弘,宮下政司. メタボリックシンドロームに対する低強度運動の有効性. 健康支援, 14: 1-7, 2012.
- 原田和弘, 李恩兒, 片山祐実, 柴田愛, 岡浩一朗, 中村好男. 60~74歳における筋力トレーニングの開始・継続に関連する要因の質的分析. スポーツ産業学研究, 21: 187-194, 2011.
- 原田和弘,柴田愛,岡浩一朗,中村好男. 運動疫学分野における「筋力向上活動」という用語の提案. 運動疫学研究, 13: 146-150, 2012.
- Harada K, Oka K, Shibata A, Ishii K, Nakamura Y, Inoue S, Shimomitsu T. Strength-training behavior and perceived environment among Japanese older adults. J Aging Phys Act, 19: 262-272, 2011.
- 原田和弘, 柴田愛, 中村好男. 身体活動と環境要因に関する研究の考え方とその動向. スポーツ産業学研究, 21: 1-7, 2011.
- 原田和弘, 柴田愛, 李恩兒, 岡浩一朗, 中村好男. エクササイズガイド2006の認知度と身体活動量の変化. 日本公衆衛生雑誌, 58: 190-198, 2011.
- 原田和弘, 李恩兒, 片山祐実, 柴田愛, 岡浩一朗, 中村好男. 高齢者の筋力トレーニングに対する認識:筋力トレーニング実施者における質的分析. スポーツ産業学研究, 20, 191-197, 2010.
- 原田和弘, 片山祐実, 中村好男. 運動無関心者の心理的準備性の変化と趣味・余暇活動との関連. スポーツ産業学研究, 20: 199-209, 2010.
- 原田和弘, 岡浩一朗, 柴田愛, 蕪木広信, 中村好男. 地域在住高齢者における足部に関する問題と転倒経験・転倒不安との関連. 日本公衆衛生雑誌, 57: 612-623, 2010.
- Harada K, Oka K, Nakamura Y. Perception about activities for muscular fitness improvement and its intergenerational difference in Japanese adults. Int J Sport Health Sci, 7: 96-102, 2009.
- 原田和弘, 高泉佳苗, 柴田愛, 岡浩一朗, 中村好男. 健康づくりのための運動指針2006の認知状況と他の健康づくり施策の認知および人口統計学的変数との関連. 日本公衆衛生雑誌, 59: 737-743, 2009.
- 原田和弘, 中村好男. 身体活動・運動への興味を高める方略としての趣味・余暇活動ゲートウェイの可能性. スポーツ産業学研究, 19: 129-142, 2009.
- 原田和弘, 中村好男. ウォーキング人口推計の課題. ウォーキング研究, 12: 227-230, 2008.
- 原田和弘, 柴田愛, 李恩兒, 庄子博人, 木内虹平, 金賢植, 片山祐実, 岡浩一朗, 中村好男. 米国におけるウォーキングと健康づくりに関する研究の動向. ウォーキング研究, 12: 221-225, 2008.
- Harada K, Yamawaki K, Akiyama Y, Oka K, Nakamura Y. Determinants of participation in walking program with information technology. Int J Sport Health Sci, 6, 145-153: 2008.
- Harada K, Oka K, Shibata A, Ota A, Okada J, Nakamura Y. Factors associated with the stages of change for strength training behavior. Int J Sport Health Sci, 6: 251-263, 2008.
- Harada K, Oka K, Ota A, Shibata A, Nakamura Y. Prevalence and correlates of strength training among Japanese adults: Analysis of SSF National Sports-Life Survey 2006. Int J Sport Health Sci, 6: 66-71, 2008.
- 原田和弘, 太田暁美, 柴田愛, 岡浩一朗, 中村好男, 村岡功. 虚弱な高齢者を対象とした運動特異的主観的健康度・機能状態尺度の開発. 応用老年学, 2: 40-49, 2008.
- 原田和弘, 平井啓, 荒井弘和, 岡浩一朗, 中村好男. 大学生の睡眠習慣に対する介入とセルフ・エフィカシーの般化についての検討. 行動医学研究, 14: 21-29, 2008.