ホーム > お知らせ > 認知症サミット日本後継イベント > 演者が使用したスライド資料と映像(初日)Presentation Files and Movie(Day1)
Koji Miura |
(Director General, Health and Welfare Bureau for the Elderly, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) |
Kenji Toba |
(President, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Japan) |
Kiyoshi Kurokawa |
(World Dementia Council) |
Yoshitake Yokokura |
(President, Japan Medical Association) |
Shekhar Saxena |
(Director, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse,World Health Organization) |
Tomofumi Yamamoto |
(Journalist, Shukan Asahi Weekly Magazine) |
(10:00~11:30) Auditorium
Overview the policies and systems for persons with dementia related to care and prevention in participating countries, to nurture a common ground of understanding among participants.
[Chairperson] Kenji Toba |
(National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Japan) | |
[Chairperson] Christian Berringer |
(Federal Ministry of Health, Germany) | PDF:98KB |
Charles Alessi | (Public Health England, UK) | PDF:1.16MB |
Yves Joanette | (Institute of Aging, CIHR & University of Montreal, Canada) | PDF:1.26MB |
Etienne Hirsch | (French Institute Neurosciences, Cognitive sciences,Neurology and Psychiatry, France) | PDF:889KB |
Kenneth Earhart | (US Department of Health and Human Services, USA) | PDF:636KB |
Teresa Di Fiandra | (Ministry of Health, Italy) | PDF:571KB |
Jürgen Scheftlein | (European Commission) | PDF:61KB |
Tadayuki Mizutani | (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan) | PDF:1.67MB |
(13:00~15:00) Auditorium
Explore new models of prevention and care throughout the course of the illness —from early diagnosis to initial response and prevention, and from post-diagnostic support to end of life care—to provide optimized, better coordinated intervention and support.
[Chairperson] Kazuo Hasegawa |
(Tokyo Dementia Care Research and Training Center, Japan) | |
[Chairperson] Yves Joanette |
(Institute of Aging, CIHR & University of Montreal, Canada) | |
Haruyasu Yamaguchi | (Gunma University, Japan) | PDF:2.3MB |
Jiro Okochi | (Japan Association of Geriatric Health Services Facilities, Japan) | PDF:1.18MB |
Manabu Ikeda | (Kumamoto University, Japan) | PDF:1.27MB |
Charles Alessi | (Public Health England, UK) | PDF:340KB |
Howard Bergman | (McGill University, Canada) | PDF:383KB |
Florence Pasquier | (University of Lille and Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille, France) | PDF:770B |
Peter Whitehouse | (Case Western Reserve University and University of Toronto, USA) | PDF:9.3MB |
Francesca Colombo | (OECD) |
(13:00~15:00) Sky Studio
Advance initiatives to ensure objectivity in the field of dementia prevention and care, which has traditionally relied heavily on experience. Share the latest scientific knowledge culled from empirical studies on dementia prevention and care around the world; gather suggestions for possible policy activities and directions for future research.
[Chairperson] Takao Suzuki | (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology) | |
[Chairperson] Martin Prince | (King's College London) | PDF:837KB |
Vladimir Hachinski | (University of Western Ontario) | PDF:947KB |
Piu Chan | (Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University) | PDF:1.36MB |
Katsuhiko Yanagisawa | (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology) | PDF:1.3MB |
Liang-Kung Chen | (Taipei Veterans General Hospital) | PDF:2.2MB |
Hiroyuki Shimada | (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology) | PDF:2.14MB |
Dawn Brooker | (University of Worcester) | PDF:9.3MB |
Graham Stokes | (Bupa) | PDF:510KB |
Hiroaki Kazui | (Osaka University) | PDF:2.2MB |
(15:30~17:30) Auditorium
Share information of progressive approaches from across the globe, designed to enable persons with dementia to continue living in the community.
Seek for the possibility to reflect the fruits of those inspiring efforts to the specific and effective measures.
[Chairperson] Koichi Kozaki |
(Kyorin University, Japan) | |
[Chairperson] Cyndy Cordell |
(Alzheimer’s Association, USA) | PDF:169KB |
Jean Georges | (Alzheimer Europe) | PDF:467KB |
Shuichi Awata | (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, Japan) | PDF:225KB |
Annette Pauly | (Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Germany) | PDF:134KB |
Jeremy Hughes | (Alzheimer’s Society, UK) | PDF:488KB |
Kunio Takami | (Alzheimer’s Association Japan) | PDF:1.42MB |
Ki Woong Kim | (National Institute of Dementia, S.Korea) | PDF:2.98MB |
Kumiko Utsumi | (Sunagawa Medical Center, Japan) | PDF:1.23MB |
Rumiko Otani | (Omuta-city Dementia Care Society, Japan ) | PDF:4.4MB |
(15:30~17:30) Sky Studio
Investigate the possibilities of a variety of initiatives to change public attitude through public awareness. Public awareness campaigns are necessary to prevent stigmas against dementia.
Knowledge of and technology for the diagnosis, prevention, and care of dementia must be well understood by nursing and health care officials. Knowledge shared by a small group of experts should be shared with a broader range of interested parties. Moreover, nations that are dealing with aging societies need to share their knowledge and experience with those nations that will be facing issues concerning dementia.
[Chairperson] Akira Homma |
(Tokyo Dementia Care Research and Training Center, Japan) | |
[Chairperson] Marc Wortmann |
(Alzheimer’s Disease International) | |
Gillian Ayling | (Department of Health, UK ) | PDF:1.87MB |
Sabine Jansen | (German Alzheimer Association) | PDF:774KB |
Michael Splaine | (ADI. / Splaine Consulting and Cognitive Solutions, LLC) | PDF:498KB |
Tasanee Tantirittisak | (Prasat Neurological Institute,Thailand) | PDF:2.23MB |
Kunio Nitta | (Medical Corporation Tsukushikai, Japan) | PDF:1.71MB |
Noriko Saito | (Japanese Nursing Association) | PDF:326KB |
Kumiko Nagata | (Tokyo Dementia Care Research and Training Center, Japan) | PDF:990KB |
Hidetoshi Endo | (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Japan) | PDF:1.0MB |
(10:00~11:45) Collaboration Room 1+2
The OECD is conducting a series of reviews of health care quality and related policies in a dozen of OECD countries, including Japan. Following a presentation of key findings by the OECD, panelists will discuss the current situation and the future challenges of the Japanese health care system. The full OECD Review of Health Care Quality of Japan will be published in the coming months.
[Welcome] Mitsuhiro Ushio | (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan) |
[Introduction] Mark Pearson | (OECD) |
[Presentation] Francesca Colombo |
(OECD) |
[Moderator] Toshiro Kumakawa | (National Institute of Public Health, Japan) |
Satoshi Imamura | (Japan Medical Association) |
Tsuguya Fukui | (President, St. Luke’s International Hospital) |
Shinya Matsuda | (Professor, University of Occupational and Environmental Health) |
Yuichi Imanaka | (Professor, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine) |
ToshihikoTakeda | (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan) |
Yasumasa Fukushima | (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan) |
[Closing] Tomoyuki Ozuru | (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan) |
Day 1 Day 2