ホーム > Research > Center > Center for Gerontology and Social Science > Department > Epidemiology of Aging
The Department of Epidemiology of Aging conducts the epidemiological study ”National Institute for Longevity Sciences - Longitudinal Study of Aging: NILS-LSA” to promote mental and physical independence of older adults. We also conduct multi-center collaborative investigations to contribute to geriatric disease prevention and healthy aging with research institutes inside and outside Japan.
Long-term longitudinal epidemiological study "National Institute for Longevity Sciences - Longitudinal Study of Aging (NILS-LSA)"
Multi-center collaborative studies with NILS-LSA data
The NILS-LSA is a longitudinal study to observe age-related changes among middle-aged and older community dwellers. This project has assessed the normal aging process using detailed questionnaires and medical checkups, anthropometrical measurements, physical fitness tests, nutritional examinations, and psychological examinations.
The initial survey of NILS-LSA involved 2,267 men and women aged 40 to 79 years, including approximately 300 men and 300 women for each decade of age. Participants included were gender- and age-stratified random samples living in Obu-shi and Higashiura-Cho, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. They have been followed up every 2 years from the first wave (November 1997 - April 2000), second wave (April 2000 - May 2002), third wave (May 2002 - May 2004), fourth wave (June 2004 - July 2006), fifth wave (July 2006 - July 2008), sixth wave (July 2008 - July 2010), seventh wave (July 2010 - July 2012), eighth wave (October 2013 - February 2016), and ninth wave (October 2018 - February 2022). The total length of the first through the ninth waves was 25 years. The tenth wave already started in February 2023. Also, the follow-up postal surveys were conducted in 2013, 2017 and 2022.
When participants could not be followed up (e.g., they moved to another area, dropped out for personal reasons, or died), new age- and sex-matched participants were randomly recruited from the second to the tenth wave. All study waves included nearly 1,200 men and 1,200 women.
Japanese monographs are downloadable from the link below.
The "National Institute for Longevity Sciences - Longitudinal Study of Aging (NILS-LSA)", a project of the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology (NCGG), has been conducting research on aging and the prevention of age-related diseases since 1997, with cooperation of local communities. To further contribute to public health promotion through our research, we invite researchers from non-profit institutions outside the NCGG to participate in collaborative research using existing NILS-LSA data. This invitation extends researchers affiliated with higher education institutions and public research organizations.
All research using NILS-LSA data must focus on aging and age-related diseases, in accordance with the consent obtained from study participants, and must be conducted as part of the NILS-LSA research project.
In all cases, prior to commencing research, approval from the NCGG NILS-LSA Research Promotion Committee and the NCGG Ethics and Conflict of Interest Committee is required (Please note that obtaining these approvals may take some time).
For a list of variables from the 1st to 7th NILS-LSA surveys, please refer to the NILS-LSA Data Catalog (PDF:1452KB). For descriptive statistics of these variables by sex and age group, please see the Department of Epidemiology of Aging website [Published Data]. For research that has been conducted using NILS-LSA data to date, please refer to the [Publications].
If you wish to use the data, please contact the NILS-LSA Secretariat by email to inquire about the detailed procedures for data usage application (Please use an official institutional email address. Responses will NOT be sent to free email addresses like Gmail, Yahoo Mail, QQ Mail, et al.). In your initial email, please include the following information:
This information is required to assess the feasibility of the proposed research and to identify any potential conflicts with existing research protocols prior to the submission of a formal data access request. Please note that this information will be shared with the NILS-LSA Secretariat and relevant personnel within NCGG as part of the preliminary review process. Your understanding and cooperation in this matter are greatly appreciated.
NILS-LSA Secretariat: nilslsa[at]ncgg.go.jp
(Please replace [at] with @ when sending an email)
The publications are grouped by fiscal year.
Note) Publications written in English only.
For all publications including in Japanese, please see our achievement page in the Japanese site below.
With the cooperation of various specialists, detailed survey data are being collected and analyzed across diverse disciplines related to geriatrics and gerontology including medical science, psychology, body composition, and nutrition.